Kirton Brass Band

New Players Welcome

What better time to think about joining us? Whatever instrument you play, Kirton Brass Band welcomes you. Don't draw any conclusions in the fact that we don't compete...this is a choice issue for us but you can be assured that Andy Scott, our Musical Director, and the band strive at all times to produce a full sound through our 30 or so players and, with his guidance and our committment to excellence, not one note is wasted!

Brass Band players welcome

Please contact our MD Andy Scott in absolute confidence to find out more about Kirton Brass Band. He'll be delighted to hear from you on 07732 784416 or using the contact methods below

Complete our contact form - Brass Band - Email Andy Scott

Vacancies at Kirton Brass Band

vacancies at kirton brass band

We are committee led but family orientated giving all band members an opportunity to express opinions and drive ideas forward in a positive way at all times.
Call Andy about vacancies at Kirton Brass band, in confidence, and join the area's most progressive brass band.

Committee Officers